Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Looking into the Port
We were lucky enough to see the whales
The brave hikers!
Looking into the Valley
It was REALLY windy up there

HEY ALL!! Another busy week here at the visitors center! I just wanted to share some photos from last weeks Elderhostel Group. You may or may not be familar with the Elderhostel program but basically it's an opportunity for people over 55 to take short-term academic experiences all over the world. This year we had 14 individuals participate in the "Unalaska Adventure". Most of the participants were from interior Alaska and had always wanted to come out here so they took this opportunity to do so. It was a wonderful week and I want to thank everyone who helped make it happen (Bobbie Lekanoff, Brian Stockman, Reid Brewer, Mayor Shirley, Jeff Dickrell, Sharon Svarny-Livingston, Susan Lynch, Don Graves, Michelle Cochran, Grand Aleutian Hotel, Unalaska Public Library Staff, Brenda Wallace, & Sherry Frayram) A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!!

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